thermal ionization

英 [ˈθɜːml ˌaɪənaɪˈzeɪʃn] 美 [ˈθɜːrml ˌaɪənəˈzeɪʃn]

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  1. The theory of thermal ionization mass spectrometry has been deeply discussed and the procedures for high-precision measurement of isotopes of lithium, indium and cerium have been established.
  2. The High Precision Isotopic Measurement of Bromine by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
  3. Theory about Determination of Isotope Abundance by Thermal Ionization
  4. New Method of Resin Bead Technique in Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
  5. Experimental Design and Condition Optimization Based on Uniform Design and MATLAB for the Isotopic Measurement of Boron by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
  6. Accurate Determination of Isotopic Ratios of Zn in Human Body Excreta by Thermal Ionization Isotope Mass Spectrometry
  7. Cave stalagmites, corals, lake sediments are suitable for dating using the thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS) uranium series method. 1 were dated with uranium series dating.
  8. Application of Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry in Study of Stable Calcium Isotope Tracer in Human Body Calcium Isotope in Human Tracer
  9. Because the thermal and ionization time scale are very short at the ionospheric height, the local nighttime lower ionosphere should be substantially affected by the large QE field.
  10. Experimental results of coral dating and paleoenvironment studies by using the thermal ionization spectrometry ( TIMS) uranium series method were introduced.
  11. A Comparison of Loading Reagent for Boron Isotopic Measurement by Negative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
  12. A technique of enhanced sensitivity and overcome radioactive contamination in thermal ionization mass spectrometry
  13. Study of the Paleoclimate Based on the Comparison Between Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Uranium Series Dating and Oxygen Isotopes
  14. The technique of Negative Thermal Ionization ( NTI) and its applications to analyze various trace anions, as well as some measured results have been reviewed in this paper.
  15. In this paper the basic method and feature and the application of thermal surface ionization IDMS for determining standard reterence materials have been described.
  16. Advances in thermal ionization mass spectrometry in geosciences
  17. The important technique of dating quaternary: uranium series dating technique by thermal ionization mass spectrometry
  18. The measurement method of the isotopic abundance ratios for the nanogram samarium was performed by Finnigan MAT 262-RPQ thermal ionization mass sepctrometer.
  19. The new methods for isotopic measurements of boron, chlorine and bromine by thermal ionization mass spectrometry using the non-reduction characteristics of thermal ion emission have been summarized and the important evolution in isotopic measurements of boron, chlorine and bromine has been achieved in this study.
  20. Mass Fractionation Correction of Osmium Isotopic Compositions in Negative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometric Measurement
  21. New technique of the DATING QUATERNARY materials: the development of the thermal ionization mass spectrometry-u series method
  22. Geological samples after traditional chemical separation were measured by Neptune MC-ICP-MS and thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS), respectively.
  23. The age of stalagmite was determined by high precise thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS) with uranium series age method. Uranium content and age of the standard carbonate were in agreement with standard values.
  24. Dating of corals by thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( tims) and sr/ ca thermometer and the PALEOENVIRONMENT SIGNIFICANCE
  25. Experimental result of thermal ionization materials proves that the arc-heated tunnel is a good test means for seeking high ionization degree material of magneto-generation.
  26. The Determination of Boron Isotope by Negative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Its Development
  27. Measurement of Trace Pb in Red Wine With Thermal Ionization Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry